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Key Questions

  • What is the main goal?  (Get one great phrase)
  • Does the ministry align with the mission of the church?
  • Will the ministry create competing systems?

Create a strategy

Core 4 Habits from Married People (

Married People touchpoints throughout the year

Married People Strategy:

  • Large Group Experiences
  • Small Group Experiences
  • Individual Couple Experiences
    • Date Nights
    • MP Monthly
    • MP Podcast

Become familiar with your tools & resources

They come from YOUR inbox!

Use your Social media & special email account

Married People Leaders group on FB

People Follow Passion

  • Connect with a team of people who get it to be on your team before you launch.
  • We are better together!


Critical Job descriptions:

  • Logistics Director
  • Volunteer Coordinator
  • Production Master

Calendar your Strategy
 Think Long term impact, not just an event

Things to consider

  • Budget (Charging for events?)
  • Childcare?
  • Work with other ministry areas for a mutual win (Children’s & Youth)

Get Church Leadership on board

  1. Make an appointment
  2. Be brief, but clear
  3. Explain the need within the church
  4. Bring your plan & share the vision
    Who, What, When, Where, & Why’s
  5. Ask for what you need. (How can the pastor best help?)
  6. Follow up and keep leadership informed!